Wednesday, August 5, 2015

18 Months! Week 79

So... This week was pretty average. Even though it's a 7 week transfer, it still feels like on of the shortest transfers of my mission. But this week was just proving that point, it's flying by.

On Monday night we had a sweet family home evening at the church and Elder Peterson was able to get his hands on  some church Jeopardy and the whole ward and a bunch of fun with that! It was a huge success and everyone keeps asking when the next one will be, so it was definately a positive! 

Tuesday morning I taught a district meeting about Pride and Humility and about how we must all be stripped of pride in order to enter into the Kingdom of God (Alma 5:28) That went pretty well and I hoped that everyone in the district enjoyed it! But later on in the day we had to go and get some glue for Elder Peterson because his journal broke and we ran into this lady that Elder Shariatmadari and I had seen around a few times and she was always super excited whenever she saw us. But we saw her and she is pretty cool! She has some things that she needs to change, but she used to date a mormon when she lived in Florida. The weirdest part is that she lived her whole life in Florida, she is only here because he mother is sick with cancer. But she seems pretty sincere I think and loves talking to us because she can understand our North American accent. But we explained how to get to the church and she said that she would be there! So that was way cool!

On Wednesday was the 29th of July, Exactly 18 months since I ate Einsteins bagels and Costa Vida. But 18 months since I have been able to start this wonderful and amazing experience! It's crazy to think about all that has happened over that last year and a half, but I'm happy to know that I have been exactly where I was supposed to be. We had an awesome lesson with some members named the Abdool's  that night and we watched a sweet Mormon Message called "LIFT" and talked about the importance of service and they loved it! It was a big success! We also went by to teach Ricky and he invited his friend Michael to sit in with us which was super cool! 

On Thursday we had a long bike ride out to the Suepaul's (Awesome member family) We make the ride once a week and hit all the members and investigators we can on the way out there. It's a good 6-10 mile ride, so we make it count! But we had a sweet lesson with a part member family who Brother Suepaul showed us to and they really enjoyed it! But the funniest part of the night is that we finally got to the Suepauls right on time for our appointment and no one was home and wouldn't answer their phone... So after waiting around for a while the twenty year old son showed up and let us in and made us some sandwhiches and we talked with him for a while about the ward. It was pretty good! 

Friday was kind of rough, we had a lot of lessons but were running late to each one because each one started late... But we had a sweet lesson with the Samaroos about our light that we all have and how we have to magnify our light in order for it to get brighter and if we keep our light, it goes away. Haha but while we were riding home I kind of zoned out a little bit and got too close to Elder Peterson so my front tire on the right side was rubbing his back tire on the left side and so I panicked and couldn't turn left because there was a trench and couldn't turn right or I would just fall over Elder peterson so I just kind of set my bike down while moving and started running away from it, and by the time Elder Peterson turned around and looked at me all he saw was me running away from my bike! haha it doesn't sound very funny when I read it, but the experience itself was funny! haha

On Saturday we had coordination with our ward mission leader in the morning and had Brother Samaroo bring us all lunch afterwards. He brought us some Oil Down, which is like breadfruit, pig tail, and some kind of herb all mixed and boiled and sloppy. It wasn't too appetizing, but it was the best way I've ever eaten Breadfruit, so that was definately good! After that we started our fast on pancakes and water and headed out to a service project in Fishing Pond where we passed out water for a 3k that he was putting on. It was fun, but a bummer because of how thirsty I was! Haha But that only lasted for a little bit and so we were able to have a good lesson with Ricky that night about  his priesthood responsibilities that he now has!

On Sunday we had a great turn out to church! Natisha was the granddaughter of the member we saw on Thrursday, she showed up and loved it! That was another huge success! We also had the Samaroos show up with their neice who is about 18 and so we started to talk to them about setting up a time that we can go see all of them together! It's so cool to see members sharing the gospel with family and friends because they know of how true this message is! It's way cool! We ended our fast with another delicious meal at the Suepauls and kind of ended up having a bummer day but were able to contact some pretty cool people!

We played some fun basketball again this morning and have some cool plans for the upcoming week! Should be super solid!

Thanks so much for the emails! 

Love you all tons!
Have a great week!

Elder Dorrance

Yes, I did pick out the spidey sheets

Helping out at the race

Moving some dirt for a service project.
Sister Paul, Elder Peterson, Sister Sommer, Dorrance

I promise this is NOT a double date:)

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