Monday, June 9, 2014

Happy Birthday! Week 19

Elder Sherren
So this week has been pretty good! I guess as good as any missionaries birthday can get! haha

The rest of Monday we spent with a less-active family who is kind of going downhill, but the good news is that they all came to church yesterday, so there was a reason to our madness! They are great and hopefully with a little bit more push they will be there every Sunday for the rest of their lives!

On Tuesday we had our regular district meeting and then headed out! We actually were going to check on a referral from a member to see if they would be interested and while walking we heard a faint cry for our assistance, there was a disturbance in the force. When they got our attention we realized that there was an older lady yelling "pastor" at us and telling us to come over. When we got there, it was about 5 or 6 women and the oldest one was just going off about some story that her granddaughter wanted to kill her own baby and hurt her mom. It was pretty crazy, but everyone was calm and they just wanted us to pray over them, so we taught them :)  They are a pretty cool family who are part Hindu and part Christian and have been reading everything we have left with them! They are progressing forward and no one has killed anyone yet, so I think they are on the right track to baptism.

Then on Wednesday we got a call in the morning that our branch president wanted to go and see people with us. We had already planned out a day the night before but we said, what the heck, if someone wants to help build the kingdom of god, Why not!? So we met up with him and he told us he wanted to go see some people, so we decided it wouldn't be terrible to push a few appointments back to have him show us some people! well it ended up being an all day thing of seeing a whole lot of members! It was great and I think it really helped, but it just really helps build my testimony seeing an ordinary guy going out and telling his friends and neighbors what he knows is true! I love it!

On Thursday we had a great day of visiting with people but the best was having a wonderful Family Home Evening with a strong member family who we taught about missionary work and is excited to refer us to some of their neighbors! Working with members really is great and is the single best way to do missionary work! I have a strong testimony of that!

On Friday I guess it was alright, I had a birthday or whatever which was cool I guess...;) But we taught some great lessons and then headed over the bridge so that Elder Sherren could interview someone over there for baptism. Then we headed over to the senior couples house to pick up some things we ordered from LDS.ORG and while we were there Elder Sherren may have mentioned that it was my birthday so we got some ice cream and cinammon rolls there! Then we headed back to Rosignol to meet with the Persaud family who made an awesome Chocolate Cake for me! It was amazing! haha, not like my mom's but still a pretty great way to end my birthday!:) On the way to the Persauds the Mission President's wife, Sister Mehr, called me and wished me a happy birthday too! It was pretty great of her! It was really nice!

Then on Saturday the excitement had to drop a little because we met with a few investigators who aren't keeping commitments and will most likely have to be dropped during this upcoming week which is sad... but Hey! that's the way things go!

Yesterday we had church in Bushlot and then had some great studies after that. I love reading the Book of Mormon and it is such a blessing to get time every single day to read that amazing scripture. Then we had a good time going to see a few families that are less-active. 

It was a wonderful week! And I thank you all for the messages and prayers that are being sent my way! I love you all so much and couldn't ask for better friends and family!

Hope you are all doing well!

All my love,

Elder Dorrance

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