Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Merry Christmas! Week 100

Elder Hagood and me in front, Elder Prestera and Elder Naylor in back

drinking a coconut

Well it was a fantastic Christmas week! 

We had an awesome week this last week. We spent Christmas eve doing some service in the morning which was really good fixing up someones lawn and we spent that night caroling in the neighborhood around the senior couple's house! It was tons of fun! On Christmas day we spent the entire day at sister Persauds house skyping family and eating and helping her out! It was an awesome day and it was so great to get to see everybody! ​

On Saturday it was Boxing day and we were able to go with the branch President of the Siparia branch to one of his close family friends house to have a little lesson with all of them about gratitude. They had this get together because they were thankful for a great year! 

Sunday Elder Naylor and I went back to Siparia and spent the whole day there. We went to church and spent all day visiting members there in Siparia. The branch is really close to shutting down because of how much it has been struggling and so they really want us to focus our efforts on priesthood holders to try and get them back so that the branch can stay open. One family in particular we were able to see just knew everything about the Restoration! Even the kids knew most of the facts, they were 11 and 8 and they remembered everything from when they were taught years ago. It was an awesome day and I'm excited for another one ahead! 

Thanks for everything! Have a great day!

With love,
Elder Dorrance

Local Mosque

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