Monday, June 29, 2015

Last Week of the West Indies Mission! Week 74

Goodbye President Mehr

Well, starting this Wednesday I will officially be part of the Trinidad Port of Spain mission! Craziness!

This week was incredibly busy, but it was filled with a ton of missionary things, and not so much missionary work...

On Tuesday we had a district meeting in the morning and spent the rest of the afternoon having Elder Shariatmadari finish packing and visiting a few people he wanted to see before he left. It ended up with us running around like crazy all day long. then that night we had to drive him all the way out to Curepe so that he would be closer to the airport because he had to be there the next morning at like 3:30.

On Wednesday morning we woke up and headed out to the Valencia missionaries new apartment and cleaned it so that we could move in that night. For the time being we are living with Elders out in Valencia because they moved sisters into the other Sangre Grande area and it used to be that all four of us shared an apartment but elders and sisters can't live in the same building, so we are out on the street for the time being until we find an apartment. But after we cleaned for a bit we were able to get ready and go pick up elder Peterson! Another Canadian companion! He's the man! I'm super excited to get to serve with him! He's a ton of fun and I know we'll have a ton of success. Then later that night we had a sweet lesson with Anna and Tamika where we finished watching the restoration video (at their request) They wanted to watch it so bad! It was so cool! 

On Thursday we spent the entire morning moving our stuff and the elders stuff out of the apartments and out to Valencia which took almost all morning and a good chunk of the afternoon, it was ridiculous how long it took, but eventually we were able to go and visit the Becker family and talk to them about scripture study. This day was a complete missionary thing day, not a missionary work day... It was a bummer.

On Friday we weekly planned and went to look at some apartments and then had an interesting lesson with our investigator named Nirasha who I really thought was progressing well, but while we were walking away from our lesson her sister called out to us to come back and said that Nirasha walked inside and told her that all that we had just said was false and that she doesn't want us to come back... It's sad, but I hope that there was just miscommunication there, but that it just wasn't a shared belief. Then we had a killer game night at the church and we had a lot of fun playing some soccer on the field! It was sweet!

On Saturday we spent most of the morning cleaning out our old apartment so that the land lady could rent it out to new people and had a great lesson with Anna about President Monson, and how a living day prophet could bless her life! It was awesome! Then we were able to head to Arima to go to a talent show put on by the stake! It was super cool and I thought the best one was a member from Arima who impersonates Michael Jackson! He did way good...

On Sunday we had a good time at church and an awesome lesson with Ricky in the evening about Enduring to the End and he is on track to be baptized this upcoming Saturday! 

It's been an alright, kind of cruddy week. But I love this gospel and am so happy to think about the happiness that my message brings to those I talk to, even if they don't accept me, or my message, I hope that I can at least be the means of saving some.

With love, Elder Dorrance

Elders, Hopkins, Shariatmadari, Dorrance, Haderly

Samaroo Family

Singh and Samaroo Families

Trinidad Stake Talent Show

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